Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Aidan got a scooter.....because she kept going into the neighbor's garage and saying their Diego scooter was hers. We took the easy way out and just got her her own. I guess I should say "I" took the easy way out.....always the caver!

Oh and look she has on a helmet, but no shoes....what wonderful parenting skills abound at the Mingus house. Maybe the force of the magical Disney Princesses will save her tender feet from harm.....


Peony said...

we don't need no stinkin' shoes! If it makes you feel any better, my daughter is currently testing the bath water to see if it's tastier than her regular water...Hehe.

Also, LOVE the new profile picture ;-P

alli said...

Yeah, I like the new profile picture too!

Unknown said...

It's OK. Feet don't have brains in them.

missy said...

at least she's protecting her noggin and knees!:)