Where do I start?!...
• Brie finished her Jr. High volleyball career with her team going 24-7 for the season.Yay Bulldogs!
• Grammers and Papa Mingus came to visit
• Grandma and Grandaddy Seaberg and Missy, Kyle and CJ met us at games
• Sax got to play football in/on the K-State football field...where he made a tackle and came out with a dislocated ring finger and a broken pinky (emergency room visit #1)
• Rhogan turned 7 mos. old on October 4th
• Rhogan started crawling on October 5th...yikes!
• Aidan is obsessed with doing "homework", watching the squirrels in the backyard and making up stories about them and sleeping in her big sister's room every night
• October 10th we took Rogi to the ER in Lawrence...find out he just had a virus and a weird virusy rash (emergency room visit #2)
• Our house got TPed over the weekend...which happens these days when other kids "like" your kids...very different from when I was young (boy I sound like an old woman!)Roy had fun saving as many rolls as he could find that weren't mangled.
That's about it I think...I'm sure I've left something out!
Love, L
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